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Wirksworth Archaeological Society

The archaeology of Lutudarum


The purpose of the Society is to carry out archaeological work within and around Wirksworth in the Peak District.


Although we are principally interested in the Roman and Mercian periods, and have a specific project (The Wirksworth Roman Project), we also cover any archaeological issues which relate to Wirksworth and its immediate hinterland, whatever the period concerned.


Individual assessments and updates are listed under "Work / Finds" which deals with current work in progress.


Roman roads of Derbyshire:

The Portway - Brough to Little Chester

Roman Ox Cart 2.JPG

Roman navigation

of the River Derwent

Roman Ship from Bardo Museum in Tunis.JPG

Wirksworth Archaeological Society

Final report on the Meadow Croft

Hangleton Cottage 2.JPG

The Roman Villa at Carsington by Wirksworth

The Roman and later lead industry with reference to Wirksworth and the Peak District


Roman roads of Derbyshire:

The Street - Buxton to Wirksworth

Hull Museum Lead Ingots.JPG

Database of Roman lead


ingot finds in Britain


Wirksworth Archaeological Society 


President: Dr Bill Bevan


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